Swiss Exams Academy: Exam preparation has never been easier

Swiss Exams Academy: Exam preparation has never been easier

With Swiss Exams Academy, we strive to give schools a complete package when it comes to exam preparation. We offer online preparation courses that are tailored for Swiss students and ready-to-go. Discover what sets Swiss Exams Academy apart as we gear up to launch our new courses: Linguaskill and Cambridge. We got some insight from Tinka Valtl, the coordinator of Swiss Exams Academy – read on.

Swiss Exams Academy: Exam preparation has never been easier

Our Approach? Connect experience with expertise

Over the last years, we have been honing Swiss Exams Academy courses to make sure they stand out on the Swiss market. Working together closely with schools, we have developed courses that work with your schools’ curriculum, not against it.

How is Swiss Exams Academy different? We asked Tinka, the main coordinator of this project. "What is key for us? It is the language experts on our team who are not only intimately familiar with the exams but also have extensive hands-on experience with them. This synergy of experience and expertise ensures our courses work with your school's educational strategy, propelling your students towards success," says Tinka.

Mind the gap

As English teachers, you are acutely aware of the different language levels of your students. School curriculums are rigid and due to different limitations, schools can often only provide exam preparation for one level.

Here is another key point according to Tinka: “What about the students that either stand above or below the average level in your classroom? Our aim with Swiss Exams Academy is to help you bridge the gap between the language levels your school can provide and the language levels your students need.”

We can provide them with:

  • Placement test to scale their language level.
  • Coverage of all exam essentials with live online classes; reading, writing, listening, speaking, as well as key grammar and vocabulary.
  • Expert-led online classes delivering an hour of focused teaching from an exam pro, plus an extra hour for exercises and Q&A.
  • In-depth homework feedback and performance evaluation.
  • Real-feel speaking practice and exclusive study materials.

Swiss Exams Academy - benefits

New: Linguaskill course coming soon

In line with the new Linguaskill exam, we are opening a Swiss Exams Academy Linguaskill Business course to accompany the launch of the new exam. This will be an intense, 6-week online course, preparing students to take the new Linguaskill Business exam.

If you, your school or your students are interested, stay tuned, registrations will be opening soon.

New: Cambridge course starting in September

In September, the Swiss Exams Academy Cambridge courses will start again. All courses are made to prepare students for the exam levels they choose, regardless of the exam levels taught at your school.

The Cambridge courses are 12-weeks long and have had great success in the past. If you, your school or your students are interested, stay tuned, registrations will be opening shortly.

Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us and ask:

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