From sample tests to exam tasks or online practice exercises, ensuring every student is ready on exam day.
To prepare for the Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS), you will find practice materials for listening, reading, writing and speaking here.
If you choose a literature-bound topic in part 2 of the writing module, you have to work with at least one of the titles provided here.
Lola Randl Der große Garten Roman Matthes & Seitz Verlag ISBN 978-3-95757-964-5
Ingo Schulze Die rechtschaffenen Mörder Roman S. Fischer Verlag ISBN 978-3-103-900019
If you choose a literature-bound topic in part 2 of the writing module, you have to work with at least one of the titles provided here.
Wolf Haas Junger Mann Roman Hofmann und Campe ISBN 978-3-455-00858-6
Daniela Krien Die Liebe im Ernstfall Roman Diogenes Verlag ISBN 978-3-257-24547-9
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